» Kingdom Hearts News (Page 127)

Kingdom Hearts 3D To Appear At Nintendo World 2011!

Nintendo on their official Japanese website has listed the games that will appear during their Nintendo World event next month and Kingdom Hearts 3D is among those appearing for the Nintendo 3DS Experience Committee!

KH Birth By Sleep Final Mix Site Update!

The official Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix site has updated and this time they’ve added the new boss “No Heart” which features his various attacks and the new command style “Rhythm Mixer” to the features section!

Christmas Time in the Kingdom Hearts World

‘Tis the season, fellow KHUsers. By tomorrow, visions of sugar plums will dance in your heads, or perhaps sooner if you’re on any sort of heavy medication. Regardless, Christmas is nearly here. For everyone that celebrates the holidays, you know this time of year is often a joyous and hectic one.

But, can you imagine how much more stressful shopping for loved ones and preparing festivities would be if you had to juggle it with saving the worlds from the Heartless?

GamingUnion.net Presents Holiday Podcast Special!

GamingUnion.net has put out a very special story podcast to celebrate the holidays! In this special, join the entire podcast crew (Darryl, Brian, Fozzie, Colin, David, Astharis, Melissa, and myself) as we rush to save the holiday season from an enemy so evil that he must be stopped! Will we be successful?

Listen to find out!

KH Birth by Sleep: Final Mix – Jump Festa ’11 Trailer

With all the new Re:coded info coming out, it’s good to know once in a while that we still have another game on the way. Square-Enix recently updated the BBSFM official website with the latest trailer which premiered at this weekend’s Jump Festa. Hit Read More to check out the trailer!