» Kingdom Hearts News (Page 106)

Nintendo 3DS Slide Pad to be KH3D Compatible

Nintendo has released a small list of games to be compatible with their new Slide Pad accessory!

Kingdom Hearts 3D Footage – Nintendo’s Pre-TGS Conference! (UPDATED)

The Nintendo Pre-TGS conference showed a small clip of Kingdom Hearts 3D footage! This post has been updated with HQ footage and screenshots!

The Villains Edition Part III: Absolute Corruption

Several weeks ago, we showcased who we thought made poor and unreliable villains in Kingdom Hearts. Amongst those named, we included: Pete, the blundering fool; Demyx, the musical talent without much motive; Scar, a misplaced Disney icon; and Shan Yu, the silent but boring antagonist. But it would be a mistake to think that the darkness is commanded solely by these weak villains. Behind every pawn, there is a more devious hand that deals the cards. Continuing the Villains series, this week, we continue to speak more evil, hear more evil, and maybe even do more evil.

Square Enix Reveals TGS ’11 Map

Square Enix has just revealed their floor plans for Tokyo Game Show 2011 and Kingdom Hearts 3D will have a good sizable area for their demo stations!

Speak Up Monday

It’s labor day, and what better way for KH fans to spend it than reflecting over how the games have affected our lives. For Speak Up Monday, tell us about the ways Kingdom Hearts has impacted your school or work life? Sound off for Speak Up Monday!