» Kingdom Hearts News (Page 104)

Synopsis of Extended KH3D Trailer

A synopsis of a slightly extended KH3D TGS trailer shown in the closed theater has been put up and translated! Hit the jump to take a read!

Kingdom Hearts 3D TGS Trailer! (Updated)

The moment we have been waiting for has arrived, a recorded camera version of the KH3D trailer from Tokyo Game Show!

KH3D Trailer Impression (Includes Dialogue)

Another trailer impression has surfaced this time it’s by FF-Reunion and translated by SQEXGAL! This impression gives us the dialogue that is being said in the trailer.

KH3D Sora Footage – TGS 2011 (Updated)

Sora’s gameplay as well as his meeting with Neku have been uploaded by Famitsu!

Tetsuya Nomura Discusses KH3D Battle System

Tetsuya Nomura has made his return to the Kingdom Hearts spotlight by updating the official Kingdom Hearts twitter page!