Kingdom Hearts Unchained Key Announced for Smartphones in 2015


About a month ago Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura mentioned in an interview with Famitsu that a smartphone expansion of the Kingdom Hearts series will be announced soon.

According to Esuteru and Gamestalk, Kingdom Hearts Unchained Key has been announced for iOS and Android systems for Japan that will be released later on in 2015, which is Kingdom Hearts X[chi] revamped for smartphones with new plot elements.

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htmk73 and aibo have tweeted out some information and thanks to Goldpanner, have translated the tweet:

‘Kingdom Hearts Unchained Key’ for iOS/Android, scheduled to release 2015, free to play (with in-app purchasable items), the gameplay of ‘Kingdom Hearts Key’ remade for smartphones, setup for the plot has also been prepared for this newest title in the series. (@htmk73)

It’s currently unknown for a release outside of Japan but we’ll keep you updated when any information comes out!

Source: Esuteru, Gamestalk, htmk73, aibo_ac7