+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Kingdom Hearts II: Ansem Report Guide +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ by: Pazuzu Platform: Playstation 2 Genre: RPG Release Date: 22/12/2005 ========= Contents ========= 1) Introduction 2) Translator's Notes 3) Ansem's Other Reports 4) Frequently Asked Questions 5) Credits 6) Closing ================ 1) Introduction ================ So here we have it, my second short Kingdom Hearts II-related guide. Not much overall to say about the game itself, my short spiel in the Form Guide pretty much nailed it. Yeah. One of the core parts of Kingdom Hearts games is the Ansem Reports, which gives background information to the story, address some plot points that aren't resolved in the main story, and generally make an interesting read. Unfortunately, the fact that KHII is only currently out in Japanese disqualifies 95% of English-speaking players from reading these reports. So here they are, typed out in both Japanese and my own English translation. It should be obvious, but so I don't get email-flamed, THERE ARE MAJOR PLOT SPOILERS IN THESE REPORTS. You do get them throughout the game, yes, but not in chronological order, so not everything is revealed in one big lump. Note: To see the Japanese entries, you need to turn on S-JIS encoding. This should be in the View menu of your browser. Note #2: To those reading the Japanese, there's something screwing up my hiragana "a". So if you see a random dot, that's what it is. ====================== 2) Translator's Notes ====================== The order you get the Reports in-game is not the same as the order that they're written in. The order you get them in is: 2, 7, 5, 1, 4, 6, 10, 12, 3, 8, 9, 11, 13. - Namine (8-10, 12-13) Namine's name should technically have an accent over the last "e", but the SJIS encoding makes it absolutely impossible for me to actually do that and show Japanese text at the same time, so I had to omit it. But it should be there. - XIII Order (8, 10-13) The official English name for this is the Organization XIII, but I was never a huge fan of that. I choose instead to go with the name given to them in the Deep Dive movie, way back at the end of Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix. - Castle Oblivion (7, 8, 10-11) This one I've taken the English name on for, albeit reluctantly. The original word, 忘却, means "forgetfulness", and while Oblivion does mean that, I find that it's more commonly associated nowadays with "absolute destruction". - Names (All) The names of Xehanort and the other disciples are just their names without the X and rearraged, just like Sora and Roxas. - World of Nothingness (3-5) The fact that he takes the name "Darkness in Zero" implies that he may be calling the world the Zero World. However, this doesn't make a whole lot of sense and looks pretty out of place, so I've gone with the more natural "world of nothingness". ========================= 3) Ansem's Other Reports ========================= ========================== = Ansem's Other Report 1 = ========================== Obtained: After defeating the 1000 Heartless in the War of Hollow Bastion. Japanese -------- 長年にわたる努力が実を結び、私の治めるこの世界は”輝ける庭”と呼ぶにふさわしい楽 園となった。 生命の根源たる清らかな水にはぐくまれて、香り高き花々が咲きみだれ、民は誰もが希望 に満ちた笑顔で日々を過ごしている。 だが光 るところには必ず闇がひそむ。先日のレポートにも記したが、この楽園を守るた めにも、私は”人の心の闇”の謎を解き明かさねばならない。 まずは人の心の奥底をさぐる実験を行おう。我が6人の弟子のひとりで るゼアノートが 、自ら被験者に志願してくれた。 数年前に行き倒れていたところを救って以来、私に仕えてくれている青年で る。 の時、彼はいっさいの記憶を失っていたがその後めざましい探究心を示し、私の教えを またたく間に吸収して深い知識を身につけた。 いささが精神的に未熟な点も るが、それは若さゆえの問題で ろう。 心理実験によってゼアノートの心をさぐれば、心の奥に閉ざされた過去が呼びさまされる かもしれない。 弟子のひとりエヴェンも、ゼアノートの記憶に強い興味を抱いているようだ。 けれど本当に彼でよいのだろうか。 たしかにゼアノートはたぐいまれなる才能の持ち主では るが……。 優秀すぎるのだ。人を超えたほどに。 English ------- Many years of hard work has come to fruition; this world that I govern has become a paradise, aptly named the "Radiant Garden". Flowers bloom with a fragrant aroma, raised by the pure water which brings forth life. The people pass their days with smiling faces full of hope. But wherever there is light, doubtless there is darkness lurking. As I have written in my recent report, I must decipher the mystery behind "the darkness in human hearts" to protect this paradise. Firstly, I will carry out experiments to seek out the depths of the human heart. One of my six disciples, Xehanort, has volunteered himself as a test subject. Since I found him collapsed in the street all those years ago and took him in, he has become a youth who serves me well. At that time, he had lost his memories entirely, but afterwards he began to exhibit a remarkable inquisitive mind. He absorbed my teachings incredibly quickly, and amassed a deep knowledge. He is somewhat undeveloped in maturity, but this problem is due to his youth. If I can seek Xehanort's heart through psychological experiments, I may also be able to unlock his sealed-off past. It seems that another of my disciples, Even, also has a strong interest in Xehanort's memories. But I wonder whether it is truly good that is in him. Certainly, Xehanort possesses a rare talent... It is far too excellent. Even surpassing that of a human. ========================== = Ansem's Other Report 2 = ========================== Obtained: In Twilight Town (first visit as Sora), outside the train station after you see Mickey. Japanese -------- 私は大きな過ちを犯してしまった。 ささやかな心理実験から始まった”心の闇”の研究計画は、急速に巨大化した。 最年小の弟子イエンツォの熱心な進言により、私は城の地下に大規模な研究施設を整えた 。 すると6人の弟子たちは、私に隠れて多数の被験者を集め、心の闇に関する危険な実験を 始めたのだ。 事態を知った私はただちに弟子たちを集め、研究の中止、これまでの研究成果の破棄を命 じた。 我が忠良な弟子で った6人の心に、いったい何が起きたというのか? 心の闇の謎を追ううちに、彼ら自身が闇へと迷い込んでしまったので ろうか?しかし最 も愚かなのは、最初に実験を行ったこの私だ。 いかなる理由が れども、人の心の奥底に他者が干渉してはならなかったのだ。 私は自らの過ちに絶望した。 打ちひしがれた私の心をいやしてくれたのは別世界の来訪者だった。 ”ミッキー”と名乗った小さな王は、その手に伝説の鍵をたずさえていた。 そう、かつて世界に混沌と繁栄をもたらしたといわれる”キーブレード”だ。 彼は数多くの興味深い知識をもたらし、我々は楽しく語らって親交を深めた。 そんな彼の助言により、私は地下研究施設のデータを調べなおすことにした。 そして”アンセムレポート”を発見したのだ。 私の名を冠してはいたが、私が記した文書はナンバー0のみ。 続くナンバー1から8を、 の男が勝手に書き進めていた。 我が愚かなる実験の、最初の被験者が。 English ------- I have made a grave error. The research plans I made about the "darkness in the heart", beginning with meagre psychological experiments, have rapidly grown immensely. As enthusiastically advised by my youngest disciple Ienzo, I have prepared a grand-scale research laboratory below the castle. Unbeknownst to me, my six disciples gathered a great amount of test subjects and began dangerous experiments into the darkness of the heart. As soon as I found out about this, I gathered my disciples and ordered a stop to the research, and to discard the results thus far. What has happened to the hearts of the six who were once my loyal disciples? While pursuing the mystery of the darkness in the heart, did they themselves lose their way in the darkness? And the most foolish thing is that it was I who originally began these experiments. Whatever the reason, the depths of the human heart should not be meddled in by others. I despaired in my own error. It was a visitor from another world who cured my grief-stricken heart. A small king named "Mickey" carried the legendary key in his hand. Yes, it was the "Keyblade" which was said to have brought chaos and prosperity to the world a long time ago. He had a great amount of interesting knowledge, and we had enjoyable lengthy discussions, growing closer. On his advice, I decided to re-examine the data from the underground laboratory. And I discovered the "Ansem Reports". They carried my name, but the only one that I wrote was Number 0. Number 1 through Number 8 were written by that man of his own volition. By the first test subject of my foolish experiment. ========================== = Ansem's Other Report 3 = ========================== Obtained: In The World That Never Was, after defeating Xigbar. Japanese -------- ”混沌”は、この世界のみならず多くの世界へ波及する。 我が弟子ゼアノートが、私の名をかたって作成した”アンセムレポート”には、闇に関す るおぞましい実験の過程と、地下の暗闇に現れた”扉”についての仮説が記されていた。 命 る者はすべて心を持ち、そしてだれの心にも、その奥底には闇が る。 それは”世界”も変わらない。世界がひとつの生命で るなら、大いなる心を秘めており …… 奥深くには、巨大な闇が。 ゼアノートは”扉”を通じて、世界の闇に接触しようというのか。 いや、ゼアノートだけではない。 他の5人の弟子たちも、研究のためと信じて闇を見つめた果てに、闇に取り込まれたよう だ。 エヴェン、イエンツォ、ブライグ、ディラン、それにエレウス……彼らは、もう、人で ることをやめてしまったのだ。 そして私もすべてを奪われ、うつろなる無の世界へと追放された。 私の存在を奪ったゼアノートは、いったい何をめざしているのか。 民の笑顔は失われてしまうのか。 希望の光が消えたというなら、私はこれより闇を友として歩もう。 追放された、無の世界で。 無の中の闇。 ”Darkness in Zero” ゆえに私はDiZと名乗ろう。 奪われた名前”アンセム”を捨て……復讐を。 English ------- The "chaos" has spread to many worlds, not just this one. My apprentice Xehanort has, in the "Ansem Reports" which he wrote under my name, hypothesized about the process of the terrible experiments that he carried out and the "door" that appeared in the underground darkness. Every living being has a heart, and in the depths of every heart there is darkness. The same is true for "worlds". If you consider that a world has one life, it hides a great heart... And in its depths, an immense darkness. Is Xehanort trying to understand the "door" to make contact with the darkness in the worlds? No, not just Xehanort. It seems that the other five disciples, have become enveloped by the darkness as a result of their fixation on it for their research. Even, Ienzo, Braig, Dilan, and Elaeus...they have ceased to be human. And I have lost everything, exiled to a nonexistent world. Having exiled me, what could Xehanort be aiming for? Have everyone's smiling faces gone? As the light of hope has faded, I will now walk along with the darkness. In the world of nothingness to which I have been exiled. Darkness within nothingness. "Darkness in Zero" Therefore, I will take the name "DiZ". I will cast aside the exile's name "Ansem"...and have my revenge. ========================== = Ansem's Other Report 4 = ========================== Obtained: In Beast's Castle (second visit), after defeating Xaldin. Japanese -------- の美しい楽園で過ごした日々は、もはや幻のように遠い。 無の世界へと追放されて、どれほどの時が過ぎたのか。 らゆる存在が失われた無の世界で、私は怒りと憎しみを支えに、かろうじて自我を保っ ていた。 闇に魅入られた弟子たちへの憎しみと、彼らに 切られた愚かな自分自身への怒りが私の 心をぬりつぶしてゆく。 これが闇に心をむしばまれるということか。 いつまでも空しく時を過ごすわけにはいかない。 ゼハノートたちは何をめざしているのか? の男が記していた”アンセムレポート”の謎を解き明かして彼らを阻止し、倒さなけれ ば。 それが私の使命……世界に傭う、唯一の方法だ。 心なきもの”ハートレス”の存在が鍵で ろう。 心の闇が具現化した姿。心を持たぬがゆえに、命 る万物から心を奪って増殖する呪われ た影。 彼らはどこから来て、どこへ行くのか? 生命を構成する3要素……心、魂、肉体。 生命が心を失った時、残された魂と肉体は? 器で る肉体に宿った魂が離れる時、生命は死を迎える。 しかし心が離れる時はどこへ? 心が肉体を離れても、生命は滅びない。 ただ心のみが闇へと消え去るだけだ。 時間がない。 いつまでもこの世界にとどまっていれば、私は身をもって答えを知るだろう。 私の心はすでに闇に囚われつつ る。 English ------- The days spent in that beautiful paradise already seem so far as to be a vision. How much time has passed in this world of nothingness to which I have been exiled? In this world of nothingness where all existence has gone, I have barely managed to keep myself intact through rage and hatred. My heart is filled with hatred towards the disciples who were taken by the darkness, and rage at my own foolish self who was betrayed by them. Is this what it is like to be taken by the darkness? I will not continue to pass this time in vain. What are Xehanort and the others aiming for? I must work out the mystery of the "Ansem Reports" that man wrote, stop them and defeat them. That is my mission...given to me by the world, the only way. The key is those without a heart, the "Heartless". Embodiments of the darkness in the heart. Accursed shadows with no hearts who steal the hearts of all living things and multiply. Where did they come from, and where are they going? The three elements that compose life...the heart, the soul, the body. When life loses the heart, what happens to the leftover soul and body? When the soul leaves the body, which it lives in as a vessel, life dies. But if the heart is removed, what happens? Even if the heart is separated from the body, life is not destroyed. The heart simply disappears into the darkness. I have little time. If I stay in this world indefinitely, will I both have a body and know the answer? My heart is already being captured by the darkness. ========================== = Ansem's Other Report 5 = ========================== Obtained: In Olympus Coliseum (first visit), after defeating Demyx's water clones. Japanese -------- らゆる存在が分解されたこの世界で、私はただ考え、書きつづけることによって、から くも自我を保っている。 時間すらも意味を失った世界。 ここでは永遠と瞬間が同義だ。 急がねばならない。 奴らはすでに行動を開始しているに違いない。 謎を解く鍵は”ハートレス”で ろう。 6人の 切り者たちは、この呪わしい影どもをつくりだす研究を行っていた。 生命の心から”ピュアブラッド”のハートレスを生成するだけでなく、それらを利用して 人工的にハートレスを合成していた。 しるしを与えらてた人造ハートレスを、彼らは”エンブレム”と呼んだようだ。 しかしピュアブラッドにせよエンブレムにせよ、心を持たないハートレスは本能的な欲求 にのみ従って行動する。 ただひたすらに心を感知し、そして群がる。 人間程度の相手なら、簡単に心を奪い取り、自らに取り込んで仲間を増やすだけで、人間 の命令など聞きはしない。 だが、より強いハートレスの命令ならば? もし仮に の男が自らの魂と肉体を捨ててハートレスとなれば、本来統率できないはずの ハートレスどもを統率できるのではないか? さらに奴はハートレスの本能を利用する気ではないか? 心を求めるハートレスが、より大きくて強い心をめざすので れば、その最終目的は明ら かだ。 この世で最も大きな心……”世界の心”で る。 何もかも仮説にすぎないが、奴はハートレスを使役して、世界の心に至る道を探している のではないだろうか。 English ------- In this world where all existence is disassembled, I barely keep myself intact through thinking and writing alone. Even with time, this world has no meaning. Here, eternity and an instant are the same. I must hurry. They have undoubtedly already begun their activity. The key to unravelling the mystery is the "Heartless". The six betrayers conducted the research which brought forth these accursed shadows. They didn't just create "pure-blood" Heartless from the human heart, they used them to artificially synthesize Heartless. It seems that they have given these artificial Heartless a mark and called them "emblems". But whether pure-blood Heartless or Emblem, Heartless without a heart move following an instinctve desire. They simply seek out hearts and gather. With a human-like opponent, all they do is they easily remove the heart and take it into themselves, creating more companions. They do not listen to the orders of humans. But, what about the orders of stronger Heartless? If, for example, that man discarded his soul and body to become a Heartless, could he not lead the naturally unleaderlike Heartless? Furthermore, does he intend to take advantage of the Heartless' instinct? If the Heartless, who seek out hearts, are aiming for a bigger, stronger heart, the final objective is clear. In this world, the greatest heart is..."the heart of the world". Everything is just a hypothesis, but that he is using the Heartless to find the path to the heart of the world is certain. ========================== = Ansem's Other Report 6 = ========================== Obtained: In Port Royal (second visit), after defeating the Grim Reaper. Japanese -------- 無の中で闇を友とした私の選択は、間違ってはいなかった。 闇を拒むのではなく、また恐れるのでもなく静かなる心でまっすぐに見つめたその時、私 は新たな力を得た。 人を超える力……闇の力。 ゼアノートたちはこの力に魅了され、やがて虜となったで ろう。 無論、私は彼らのように闇にむしばまれて心を喰われるつもりはないが。 この新たな力により、私は無の世界から外界へつながる道”闇の回廊”を見出した。 自由な往来はまだ難しいものの、追放の時はもはや終わったのだ。 私はゼアノートたちの目を ざむくために新たな力で姿を変え、光 る世界へと戻った。 やはりゼアノートはハートレスと化していた。 私の名をかたってハートレスどもを従え、さまざまな”世界の心”を奪っていたので る 。 ゼアノートは奪い集めた”世界の心”の中心、すなわち”キングダムハーツ”から大いな る闇を呼び寄せ、すべてを闇に回帰っせようとしている。 なお他の5人の弟子たちは姿を消していた。 ゼアノート同様にハートレスとなったのか? るいはゼアノートに利用された げくに消されたのか? 真相を追ううち、私は特異な”存在”を知った。 生命が心を失った時に残される、魂と肉体。 ハートレスが生じる時、光の世界から消え去るそれらは、異なる別世界において、まった く新たな存在として生まれ変わっていたのだ。 English ------- In the world of nothingness, my choice to walk along with the darkness was not mistaken. I did not refuse the darkness, nor did I fear it, and when I looked straight ahead with a silent heart, I acquired a new power. Power surpassing a human...the power of darkness. Xehanort and the others were captivated by this power, and soon captured by it. Naturally, I do not plan to have my heart taken and be eaten up by the darkness as they were. Through this new power, I discovered the "Dark Corridor", which connects the world of nothingness to the physical world. Going back and forth freely is still difficult, but my time of exile is at an end. To prevent Xehanort and the others from recognizing me, I have taken a new form upon my return to the world of light. As I thought, Xehanort has become a Heartless. Under my name he controls the Heartless, and has taken many worlds' hearts. Xehanort wishes to use the center of the worlds' hearts he has collected, namely "Kingdom Hearts", in an attempt to call forth a great darkness and return everything to darkness. Furthermore, the other five disciples have shed their bodies. Have they become Heartless, like Xehanort? Or did Xehanort use then and then destroy them? While seeking the truth, I found a strange "existence". When life loses the heart, the soul and body are left behind. When a Heartless is created, they disappear from the world of light and are reborn into a new existence in a completely different world. ========================== = Ansem's Other Report 7 = ========================== Obtained: In Hollow Bastion (first visit), after defeating the Nobodies attacking the gate. Japanese -------- 闇の存在や心を持たぬ者には便利で ろうがそうでない者が”闇の回廊”を多用するのは 危険だ。 心が闇にむしばまれてしまう。 奴らから身を隠して調査と計画を進める場所を求めていた私は”トワイライトタウン”に たどりついた。 光と闇の挾間で忘れ去れた、静かな街。森を抜けた奥にたたずむ、打ち捨てらえた屋敷の 地下に、しばらく身を置くこととした。 ひそかに調査を進めた結果、新たな発見が相次いでいる。 心なきもの”ハートレス”が生まれる時、心が離れた魂と肉体は別の存在としてこの世に 生れ落ちる。 ハートレスとは異なって意志を持ち、思考する”それ”が何をめざしているかは不明だが 、やはり世界に混乱をもたらす存在のようだ。 かつての友で る王とその従者たちが、キーブレードの勇者とともに、闇の脅威たるハー トレスと戦っている一方、世界に新たな脅威が迫りつつ るのだ。 もうひとつの脅威……奴らは皮肉をこめて自称する。 存在しないもの”ノーバディ”と。 多くのノーバディは、ハートレスと同様に人の姿を失っている。 だが強い心の持ち主から生まれたノーバディはわずかに外見が変化するだけで、人の姿を とどめている。 私を 切った者たちも、人の姿をとどめたノーバディとなり、さらに仲間を集めて、新た な計画を進めているようだ。 切り者たちを中心に、13人のノーバディで結成された”XIII機関”は二手に分か れ、何らかの研究を進めているという。 私は機関の目的を探るべく、彼らのうち6人が集う地に向かうことにした。 挾間の世界の果てにそびえる”忘却の城”へ。 English ------- It is convenient for dark existences and those without a heart, but for others the "Dark Corridor" is unsafe for frequent use. My heart will be taken by the darkness. While seeking a place to continue my investigation and planning while hidden from them, I have reached Twilight Town. A quiet town, forgotten in the space between light and dark. I decided to move under an abandoned mansion on the other side of the forest. As a result of continuing my investigation in secret, I have made one discovery after another. When beings without hearts, "Heartless", are born, the remaining soul and body are born in this world as a different existence. They have different objectives to the Heartless, and I do not know what "it" is that they aim for, but as I had thought, they are existences which bring chaos to the world. While the followers of the king, my visitor from a long time ago, together with the Keyblade master, fight the Heartless, who threaten the world with darkness, a new threat is emerging in the worlds. Another threat...they have named theselves with a certain irony. They have named themselves the non-existent ones, "Nobodies". Most Nobodies have lost their human forms, like the Heartless. But the Nobodies born from those with strong hearts only change a little on the outside, keeping human form. It seems that the ones who betrayed me have become Nobodies keeping their human forms, gathered allies, and are proceeding with new plans. With the betrayers at the center, the "Thirteenth Order" has been created from 13 Nobodies, and separated into two groups, continuing with some kind of research. I have decided to go to where 6 of them are assembled, to find out the objectives of the Order. To "Castle Oblivion", towering at the end of the World In-Between. ========================== = Ansem's Other Report 8 = ========================== Obtained: In The World That Never Was, after defeating Luxord. Japanese -------- 今まで私はゼアノートたちの動向と、奴らの周辺で発生する事件ばかりに気を取られすぎ ていたようだ。 友達との戦い……ハートレスの脅威から光の世界を守る戦いが終わり、ゼアノートのハー トレス、つまり闇の探究者アンセムと名乗っていた存在が滅ぼされた。 王とは別のキーブレードを持ち”勇者”がさまざまな世界をめぐって扉の”鍵穴”を封じ 、ハートレスを打ち倒したのだ。 一方、闇の世界へと飛び込んだ王は、キーブレードの勇者と協力して、闇の世界と光の世 界の両側から”キングダムハーツ”の扉を閉じ、大いなる闇の脅威を退けた。 だが世界には多くのハートレスが ふれており、また”XIII機関”とノーバディが暗 躍している。 世界はいまだ脅威に満ちているのだ。 世界の敵と戦う手段を突き止めねばならない。それは私の償いで り、復讐でも る。 そのために私は”忘却の城”に侵入した。 地上13階層、地下12階層からなる城の”白い部屋”は、訪れる者の記憶に反応して自 在に変容する。 XIII機関の者どもは、この城で記憶に関する実験を行っていた。 その実験の被験者で る少女”ナミネ”は、極めて特異な能力を備えているようだ。 彼女の能力から何が導き出されるというのか? XIII機関に気取られぬよう、ひそかに調査を進めていたところ、今日この城に更なる 来訪者が った。 アンセムを倒したキーブレードの勇者”ソラ”とその仲間たち。 そして地下深くに現れた、闇のにおい。 役者がそろいつつ るようだ。 English ------- It appears that I have been too caught up in the movements of Xehanort and the others, and events relating to them. Fighting between friends...the fight to protect the world of light from the Heartless threat is over. Xehanort's Heartless, the being calling himself the researcher of darkness, Ansem, has been destroyed. The "Hero" who holds a different Keyblade to the King has passed through many worlds, closed the doors' "Keyholes" and defeated the Heartless. On the other hand, having plunged into the world of darkness, the King worked together with the Keyblade Master to close the door between the worlds of light and darkness, Kingdom Hearts, removing the threat of the great darkness. But many Heartless are swarming the worlds, and the "XIII Order" and the Nobodies are working in secret. The worlds are still in great danger. I must find some means to fight the worlds' enemies. That is my atonement...and my revenge. For that reason, I have infiltrated "Castle Oblivion". From the 13th floor to the lower 12th floor, the castle's "white rooms" take and freely change around visitors' memories. Some of those from the XIII Order are conducting experiments on memories in this castle. It appears that the test subject of this experiment, a girl called "Namine", possesses an extremely unique power. What can emerge from this power of hers? I have been continuing my investigations in secret without disturbing the XIII Order. But today, a further visitor had appeared. "Sora", the Keyblade Master who defeated Ansem, and his companions. And there is the scent of darkness in the lower depths of the castle. It seems that the actors in this little drama are gathering. ========================== = Ansem's Other Report 9 = ========================== Obtained: In The World That Never Was, after defeating Saix. Japanese -------- さすがはキーブレードの勇者といったところか。ソラたちはXIII機関の陰謀を退け、 ナミネを救出した。 ナミネは他者の記憶を操る魔女で った。 その能力は、彼女が特殊な過程で生まれたことで得られたもので ろう。 ナミネは”少女”がプリンセスだったからだ。 かつて私が治めていた世界”続ける庭”の住人で った”カイリ”は、光の世界を支える 7人のプリンセスのひとりで った。 心に闇を持たないカイリからは、ハートレスは発生せず、消え去るはずの肉体も、光の世 界にとどまった。 つまりナミネというノーバディは、心を失った証で るハートレスも、ノーバディに発生 する媒介となる肉体も欠落した、極めて不安定な存在で り、それゆえにカイリとしての 記憶もとどめていない。 肉体を離れたカイリの心が、闇に回帰せずに別の器……ソラの心の奥へ隠れたことも要因 のひとつで ろう。 すなわちナミネとは、ソラの心に直接干渉したカイリの分身で り、だからこそソラや、 ソラとつながる心を持つ者たちの記憶を操れたのではなかろうか。 彼女は真の意味で”存在しないもの”で り、ノーバディにすらなれずに行き場を失くし た、もっともはかない影で る。 English ------- This truly is the Keyblade Master. Sora has unravelled the XIII Order's conspiracy and rescued Namine. Namine was a witch who controls others' memories. It appears that she gained this ability through being born by a special process. Namine is a girl, but was a princess. A long time ago, when I governed the "Radiant Garden", one of the denizens was "Kairi", one of the seven princesses who support the world of light. There was no Heartless born from Kairi, who carries no darkness in her heart, and her body which should have disappeared remained in the world of light. That is to say, in the case of the Nobody called Namine, both a Heartless as evidence of a lost heart, and a body to act as the intermediary for the creation of a Nobody are missing. She is an extremely unstable existence, and therefore has no memories of Kairi. Another cause is that Kairi's heart, having been separated from her body, did not return to the darkness, but instead found another vessel...concealed behind Sora's heart. That is to say, Namine is an offshoot of Kairi, who directly interfered with Sora's heart. Because of that, she was be able to manipulate the memories of Sora and those whose hearts are connected to his. She is truly a "non-existent one". Without even becoming a Nobody, she has no place to go, and is the most fickle of shadows. =========================== = Ansem's Other Report 10 = =========================== Obtained: In Twilight Town (final visit), after going through to the data copy of the town. Japanese -------- 忘却の城で記憶を失ったソラは、本来の記憶を取り戻すため眠りについたが、彼が生まれ てから過ごしてきた歳月の記憶を全て回復するにはかなりの時間を要するものと思われた 。 だが忘却の城はXIII機関が支配していた地だ。より安全な場所でソラを保護せねばな らない。私はナミネを説得し、眠るソラをトワイライトタウンに移して守ることにした。 ナミネ。 以前も書いたが、彼女は極めて特異な存在だ。ノーバディと同じ過程で生まれはしたもの の、ノーバディとしての要素がほぼ欠落している。 彼女が絵を書き続けているのは、自らに欠けたものを、他者の……主にソラの記憶から補 うためかもしれぬ。 私はひとつの仮説に至った。 ナミネが特異なノーバディとして生まれたのは、かつてソラが自らの身にキーブレードを ふるい、ソラとカイリの”心”が同時に肉体を離れた時だと思われる。 ナミネはカイリのノーバディとして生じた。 だがノーバディとして るために用いた媒介は、ソラの肉体と魂だった……。 人が心を奪われる時、自我なきハートレスが生まれ、残された肉体と魂はノーバディを生 む媒介となる。 だが自らの意志で心を肉体から解き放った者は? ソラとゼアノートは、ハートレスと化しても自我を保っていた。 そしてカイリとナミネのケース。 カイリの心に闇が存在しなかったという例外と、カイリから離れた心が、ソラという器に 移ったという例外……理論上 りえない例外が重なったことが原因ではないだろうか。 ソラが眠っている間に私は私の成すべきことをしよう。 リクという新たな協力者も現れた。 English ------- Sora, who lost his memories in Castle Oblivion, has gone into a deep sleep to recover them. However, I believe it will require a considerable amount of time to recover completely the memories from his birth to the present time. But Castle Oblivion is a place that was controlled by the XIII Order. I must care for Sora in a safer place. I have decided to persuade Namine to help, and take the sleeping Sora to Twilight Town to protect him. Namine. As I wrote before, she is an extremely unique existence. Born through the same process as a Nobody, but missing certain elements that characterise a Nobody. That she continues to draw pictures is possibly compensating for what she lacks...from other people's, mainly Sora's, memories. I have formed a hypothesis. I believe that Namine was born as a unique Nobody when Sora turned the Keyblade on his own body and Sora and Kairi's "hearts" departed his body at the same tme. Namine was born as Kairi's Nobody. But to become a Nobody, Sora's body and soul were used as an intermediary... When a person loses their heart, a Heartless with no sense of self is born, and the leftover body and soul are used as an intermediary to give birth to a Nobody. But what about those who chose to release their heart? Sora and Xehanort, even though they became Heartless, kept their sense of self. And in the case of Kairi and Namine. The exception that Kairi's heart had no darkness, and the exception that Kairi's heart used Sora as a vessel when she lost it...The cause may be due to all of these impossible exceptions piling up. While Sora sleeps, I will do what I must. A new ally has appeared, named Riku. =========================== = Ansem's Other Report 11 = =========================== Obtained: In The World That Never Was, after Riku joins you. Japanese -------- 忘却の城でかつての友と再会したが、私は素性を明かすことができなかった。 もし彼が事情を知れば、復讐にとりつかれた私を止めようとしたで ろう。 の のように彼との語らいを楽しみたくも ったが……残念ながらもはやかなわぬ夢だ 。 友はそれまで闇の世界で戦っていた。 おそらく”トラヴァースタウン”から闇の世界に入ったものと思われる。 忘却の城と同じく、 の街は光と闇の挾間の世界だ。 ハートレスに心を奪われて失われた世界の欠片が集まって生じた世界。 世界の消滅から、かろうじて脱出できた人々がたどりつく場所。 挾間の世界は実に不安定で り、しばしば闇の回廊が口を開ける。 どこかの世界が消えるたび、失われた世界から闇の回廊を通じて流れつく者がいたはず だ。 ソラが初めてトラヴァースタウンに流れついた時も、闇の回廊を通ったに違いない。 闇の世界で戦っていた友は、XIII機関が接触した闇の回廊をたどって忘却の城へ現れたよ うだ。 新たな協力者、リクもまた闇の回廊から帰還を果たした者だ。 彼は無二の親友で るソラのためなら、協力を惜しまないと約束してくれた。 実はソラの記憶の再生が遅れている。 そこでリクに、もうひとりのソラ……ソラのノーバディを連れてくるように頼んだ。 私が目的を達成するには、ソラの存在が不可欠なのだ。 光の世界を飛びまわり、XIII機関を倒すキーブレードの勇者が。 English ------- I have reunited with a friend from Castle Oblivion, but I could not let him know of my origins. If he were to discover the circumstances, that I was obsessed with revenge, he would attempt to stop me. I would like to talk animatedly with him like before, but...unfortunately, that is already a wish that will not be fulfilled. My friend has been fighting in the world of darkness for all this time. I believe that he most likely entered the world of darkness through "Traverse Town". As with Castle Oblivion, that town is a world between light and darkness. A world created by the gathered fragments of worlds which had lost their hearts to the Heartless. A place where the people could escape to, having barely escaped the destruction of their own worlds. Worlds in-between are truly unstable, where the Dark Corridor frequently opens up. When a world disappears, drifters seem to pass through the Dark Corridor from their lost worlds. Doubtlessly, Sora passed through the Dark Corridor when he first arrived at Traverse Town. It seems that my friend who fought in the world of darkness followed the Dark Corridor what the XIII Order made contact with, and appeared in Castle Oblivion. The new ally, Riku, also managed to return through the Dark Corridor. He promised his help unconditionally, for the sake of his closest friend Sora. The truth is that Sora's memory restoration is taking too long. Therefore, I have entrusted Riku with the task of retreiving the other Sora...Sora's Nobody. Sora is essential to the completion of my objective. He is the Keyblade Master who will defeat the XIII Order flying about the world of light. =========================== = Ansem's Other Report 12 = =========================== Obtained: In The World That Never Was, after Sora and Roxas fight. Japanese -------- ナミネという例外を除き、ノーバディたちは人で ったからの記憶をとどめている。 しかしソラのノーバディで る”ロクサス”はかつてソラで った記憶を失っていた。 おそらくソラがハートレスと化していた期間が短く、その上ノーバディで るロクサスを 残したまま、心を取り戻して人の状態に再生してしまったのが原因で ろう。 どうやらロクサスはナミネに似た存在のようだ。カイリのノーバディで りながら、ソラ の肉体と魂を媒介として生まれたナミネ。 そしてロクサスはソラのノーバディで った、ハートレス化したソラが、彼自身の心では なくカイリの心を媒介として人へと再生したため、取り残されてしまったのではなかろう か。 現在ソラの記憶の再生が遅れているのは、彼の半身で るロクサスが、欠け落ちたままで るからだと考えられる。 彼をデータ化し、ソラへと還元せねば。 XIII機関のメンバーとなったロクサスの連行は困難を極めた。 一度ロクサスに敗れたリクは、再度の対決で身を捨てて闇の力をふるい、かろうじてロク サスを連れてきた。 しかしXIII機関の追跡が迫っている。このトワイライトタウンはロクサスがノーバディと して生れ落ちた地だ。 ここでロクサスはXIII機関に出会い、その一員となった。 いずれ奴らはここを探し出す。 ひとまずトワイライトタウンのすべてをデータ化し、ソラの記憶に”世界のコピー”を形 成する。 そこへロクサスを移し、日々を過ごさせてソラの記憶の再生を図ろう。 残された時間は少ない。XIII機関の計画も、着実に前進しているはずだ。 English ------- With the exception of Namine, Nobodies remember their time as humans. But Sora's Nobody, "Roxas", has lost the memories of when he was Sora. The reason for this may be that Sora spent little time as a Heartless while Roxas was left behind as a Nobody, and returned to becoming a human with a heart. Somehow, Roxas is similar to Namine. While being Kairi's Nobody, Namine was born using Sora's body and soul as an intermediary. And Roxas was Sora's Nobody, left behind when Sora returned to being a human through not his own heart, but using Kairi's heart as an intermediary. I believe that Sora's memory restoration is delayed due to having lost half of himself, Roxas. I must turn him into data, and return him to Sora. As a member of the XIII Order, capturing Roxas presented an extreme difficulty. Riku, having lost to Roxas once, confronted him again having shed his form and wielding the power of darkness. He barely managed to bring him back. But the XIII Order are in pursuit. Here in Twilight Town is where Roxas was born as a Nobody. This is where Roxas met the XIII Order and became a member. They will discover this place in time. For the moment, I have converted all of Twilight Town into data, and formed a "copy of the world" in Sora's memories. I will send Roxas there, and devise a restoration of Sora's memories as the days pass. There is not much time left. The XIII Order's plans must also be steadily progressing. =========================== = Ansem's Other Report 13 = =========================== Obtained: In The World That Never Was, after defeating Xemnas's first form. Japanese -------- 明日、ソラがめざめる。 長きにわたった我が復讐の、終わりが始まる。 私のすべてを奪ったゼアノート。 ハートレスとしては滅びたものの、XIII機関を率いる奴の野心は再び”大いなる心”たる キングダムハーツをめざしている。 奴のハートレスは、世界の心を集めて形成したキングダムハーツから大いなる闇を呼び押 せようとしていたが、奴のノーバディは現在、人の心を集めて形成したキングダムハーツ と同化を果たそうとしている。 愚かなる弟子だ。 ひとつだけ謎が残っている。 我が城の地下に出現した扉を、ゼアノートはどうやって開いたのか……? いや……すべてが終わりを迎える今となっては らゆる理論はもはや無意味だ。 ロクサス、アンセム、ナミネ。 理論上存在が許されぬはずなのに、それでも確かにそこに在った、特異な例外。 私やXIII機関がくみ上げた理論は、強い心の持ち主たちに、ことごとく越えられてきた。 ソラ、カイリ、リク。 、リク。 彼の心には闇につけこまれる弱さが ったが、苦しみの果てに見出した希望を支えとして 踏みとどまり、敵で る心の闇さえも自らの力として身につけた。 すべてが終わったら、ソラと の島に帰れることを、心から願っている。 できることなら私も”輝ける庭”へ帰り、美しい水と花、希望に ふれた民の笑顔を再び 目にしたかった。 王よ、我が友よ。 記した真実の記録が、いずれ君の目に触れると信じている。 君とまた楽しく語らいたかった。 復讐にとりつかれた愚かな私を許してほしい。 English ------- Sora will awaken tomorrow. The end of my long-awaited revenge will begin. Xehanort, who took everything away from me. Deatroyed as a Heartless, his ambitions are once again aimed at the "great heart", Kingdom Hearts. His Heartless's ambition was to collect the hearts of the worlds and bring them together to Kingdom Hearts, to call forth a great darkness. But his Nobody is now collecting human hearts to absorb into Kingdom Hearts. My foolish disciple. One mystery remains. How did Xehanort open the door that appeared below my castle...? No...all theories are pointless now, when all things are coming to an end. Roxas, Ansem, Namine. You should not have existed in theory, and yet you are truly there. Special exceptions. The theories that I and the XIII Order have put together have been exceeded by the owners of strong hearts. Sora, Kairi, Riku. Yes, Riku. There was weakness in his heart that was exploited by the darkness, but he defeated it with the hope that he discovered at the extremities of his suffering, and even retained the darkness of the heart of his enemy as his own power. I wish from the bottom of my heart that when all of this ends, he will return to that island with Sora. If I can, I would also like to return to the "Radiant Garden", and once more see the beautiful water and flowers, and the smiling faces overflowing with hope. King, my friend. I trust that you will see these true records that I have written. I wanted to talk animatedly with you again. Please forgive me, a foolish one who has become obsessed with the darkness. ============================== 4) Frequently Asked Questions ============================== Q. I think you made a mistake/typo/grave error. Can I let you know? Of course. Absolutely. That's the feedback I need, especially since I haven't reread the Japanese entries to make sure I didn't make any typos. Q. [question relating to random plot point/boss/technical aspect of the game] No. Just no. The only emails I reply to are about the Forms and the Ansem Reports. Nothing else. If it's about that, fine. Email. I love feedback. Otherwise, check another guide. Q. Does what's written in Report X mean that [crucial story development]? It probably does. Like I said, these provide background info on the game. I suggest bringing it up on a message board like GameFAQs or KHU, you'll find plenty of people there to answer. Q. What about the original Ansem Reports? I'm thinking about that, actually. I may transcribe them, putting them in here with Japanese and English. Thoughts, everyone? Q. Will you translate [thing] for me? The short answer is: No. The long answer is: No. Go away. Q. Can I use these translations on my site/forum/newsletter/toilet paper/Book of Divine Wisdom? No. Yes. Maybe. Email me and ask me. And if I give you permission, keep EVERYTHING intact. Don't do it without permission or I'll disappear in rage, then reappear some time later, obsessed with revenge and wielding a great power. =========== 5) Credits =========== Square Enix: I love you. You gave me this game. I love you. Tetsuya Nomura: I love you. You came up with this game. I love you. Play Asia: I love you. You sold me this game. I love you. UPS: You shipped me this game. But you charged me lots extra that I had to pay at the door. I tolerate you. Fumi: You sat up with me till 2am taking turns with me to type this out and then helped me with lines I couldn't get my head around. I <3 you. =========== 16) Closing =========== If you want to contact me, my email is pazkh2 [at] gmail [dot] com. But please, read the whole guide first, and only email me relevant questions. Anything else, go check a board. I love you all. Deeply. (c) 2004 Colin Farrell. I'm not the actor, go away.